The EGEUS “European Group for Endoscopic UltraSonography” is an Association of National Clubs, Groups of Interest, Committees in the field of Endoscopic Ultrasound and/or individual members dedicated to EUS. It was founded in 2003 by the official representatives of the French Club of Endosonography (CFED, Club Français d’Echoendoscopie Digestive), the Italian Club of Endosonography (IEC), the Belgian Group of Digestive Endosonography (BDGES) and the Spanish AEG-EUS Interest Group (AEGuse).
Aims of the Association are to develop and spread the knowledge of the Endoscopic UltraSonography (EUS) and other associated endoscopic/ultrasonographic or gastroenterological techniques, to promote the education and training of doctors and nurses in endosonography and to promote basic and clinical research in the field of EUS.

Any National EUS Club or Group of Interest or Committee officially established in Europe or in the Mediterranean area and North Africa is eligible for Membership.


  • Each National Club, Group of Interest or Committee that has at least 30 national members can have a representative in the EGEUS Board
  • Countries that cannot reach at least 30 members may associate with other Countries or individual members in a mixed Group that can have 1 representative on the Board (1 Board member for each 30 EGEUS individual members enrolled)
  • Certificate of Membership
  • Permission to use the EGEUS logo for National Membership in printed or electronic documentation
  • Permission to use the EGEUS logo for National EUS Congresses, Meetings and Courses upon previous request to the EGEUS Secretary and acceptance by the EGEUS Board
  • Announcement on the official EGEUS website of National Congresses, Meetings or Courses
  • Communications about International EUS Congresses, Meetings or Courses and/or cooperative multicenter research or studies
  • Access to the members only area on the EGEUS website
  • All the individual members of the National Associations or Groups will automatically also become individual EGEUS members

In order for a National EUS Club or Group of Interest or Committee to become a Member, an official application must be made and the following documents enclosed:

1. Official letter of application
2. Copy of the Statutes and Articles or at least some written rules or bylaws of the National Association or Group
3. Composition of the governing Board (names and addresses of the Board members)
4. A complete list with e-mail addresses and affiliation of all the members of the National Association or Group
5. Membership application documents can be sent via e-mail or post to the EGEUS Secretary

Applications will be examined by the EGEUS Governing Board and subsequently the acceptance will be communicated by the EGEUS Secretary

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